Monday, February 22, 2010

How many blankets can I carry?

Boy do I love my blankies....I need to carry them all at once! But it's a little hard to carry them all.... But I sure do try!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Say Cheese...

Cheesy.... Not as cheesy... :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

18 months old

Ashlyn turned 18 months old this week. Her updated stats from her doctor appointment this week are: 27 lbs (80th percentile) and 32.5 inches (75th percentile). So still above average - a pretty big girl! She is starting to become a little repeater recently and has started to say more and more words each week. Her newest favorite word has become banana or "nana" and "night night". She has also learned to help feed shotzy every day. She enjoys bringing her dish over to the closet where we keep her food, scoop it into the dish, and she even takes it back to where it belongs without dumping it all on the kitchen floor (most of the time!). She is a great little helper and a busy little bee. Right now she is cooking up a storm in her kitchen...don't know what she's making but hopefully it's good :)