Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day 2013 - At HOME!

So blessed to have a happy and healthy family at home on Christmas Day!!!  Looking forward to a great 2014 :) 

Christmas in Colby 2013!

The gift bag was so big we said Ashlyn could fit inside...and she did!

Grandpa and Grandma Hoernke and the this pic!

Christmas up North 2013

Sled rides behind the 4-wheeler with Grandpa...the kids had a blast!


Christmas season festivities...

 The girls doing their "silly" faces after Brielle's daycare Christmas Program!

Santa came to Mom's work again this year and this is the first time that we got 2 smiles next to Santa without Mom in the picture!  What a successful visit :)

Arizona Continued...

Phoenix Zoo Lights! 

 The talking giraffe....somehow he found out Ashlyn & Brielle's names as we were standing there and he talked directly to them.  They thought that was pretty neat ;)
 Enjoying a caroussal ride

Thanksgiving in Arizona!

We took an hour drive one day to an ostrich farm to what seemed to be in the middle of no where in the desert.  We weren't sure what to expect  but have heard good things about this place.  It turned out to be a pretty neat little place with some laughs and memories made for sure!
 Feeding the deer...
 The Goat Penthouse...there were several goats hanging out in their house up high and we got to send food up to them by "wheeling" the dish up to the top.
 The goats were hilarious sticking their heads out of these holes trying to get our attention so we would give them food.  It was especially funny when 2 goats stuck their heads through one hole.  They would smack their lips when you got a piece of food close to them.
 Ashlyn was a little scared to feed them but daddy wasn't as you will see in a pic below!
 Grandpa almost got his fingers taken off from the hungry ducks!!
 Daddy got close enough with a piece of food in his mouth to give the cute goat a smooch!
 The birds seemed to like Grandma!  She were on her head, back, arms, etc.  She sort of "freaked out" which was the funny part!  Brielle surprisingly sat in Damien's arm and didn't even get scared as 3 birds landed on his hand/arm where the nectar was and one on his shoulder right by her :)

Ashlyn feeding the baby goats.