Thursday, May 7, 2009

9 months old!

Ashlyn loves jumping whether it's in the jumperoo, exersaucer, or in your arms on your lap. Well, today she was jumping away and pretty soon I look over and she must have gotten a little tired and decided to take a nap right in the jumperoo! Ashlyn turned 9 months old this week. She went to the doctor yesterday for her 9 mth checkup and everything looked good, except for the pinkeye that she caught from another baby at daycare. As you can maybe tell from the pic below her eyes are a bit red and irritated, and she had to leave daycare yesterday and was out today until she has been using her medicated ointment for 24 hours. So mom and Ashlyn have been home the last couple days hanging out! At the doctor she weighed in at 20 lbs and was 18.3 inches long (both in the 75th percentiles for her age). She is army crawling more now but still isn't taking off around the entire house yet. Good thing because we have a bit of baby proofing to do yet!! No teeth have come in yet either but she is still sleeping really good for us. She will go bed at 8 with no issues and sleeps until 5:30 or 6:00. She also goes down for naps really easy too! Over the last week she has begun babbling a lot more as well. She will say ma ma and da da but doesn't know what they mean. It's still cute hearing her say them! :)

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